Industrial application of Laser

Laser industry professionals from academic and industrial settings will gather to discuss the latest in laser additive manufacturing (LAM), laser materials macro processing, laser materials micro processing, battery and energy conversion, and laser Nano manufacturing. Topics range from the interaction between a laser beam and a material to how a process can be integrated and optimized for an application. Industrial High power applications, such as hardening, cladding, and deep penetrating welding, require multiple kW of optical power, and are used in a broad range of industrial processes. Laser welding. Laser drilling. Laser marking. Today, Industrial Laser System is apparently the most versatile instrument available for various material getting ready applications like welding, exhausting, cutting, warm treatment (hardening, reinforcing, covering, cladding et cetera.) and certain especially exceptional applications like slack of interstellar pieces, Laser changing, disengaged refinement and decommissioning of parts of unexploited nuclear foundations, laser evacuation, oil and gas examination, auto industry etc.

    Related Conference of Industrial application of Laser

    May 30-31, 2024

    9th Annual Conference and Expo on Biomaterials

    Vienna, Austria

    Industrial application of Laser Conference Speakers